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An artist is an artist, no matter what the medium, with musicians finding many ways to express themselves beyond their music. Understanding this fluidity of format would help explain the latest art project from the The Flaming Lips’ Wayne Coyne.

Coyne, no stranger to avant-garde, esoteric art – he once created a concert poster using his own blood – has created a new wrapping paper design for charity. Contributing to the Wrap Up Homelessness campaign by The Curbside Chronicle in his hometown of Oklahoma City, Coyne’s design is described as “a psychedelic holiday twist on the Flaming Lips album Oczy Mlody” on the initiative’s website. The Flaming Lips frontman posted a picture of his design to his Instagram page.

Coyne’s design is part of a series that also includes designs by a diverse range of illustrators, visual and tattoo artists, all of which are on sale, the proceeds going toward combating homelessness in Oklahoma City.

For more information on the design and to check out the initiative, go here.